NH law allows the possession of hybrid cats F4 and beyond, without any permit. Anything less than F4 may only be possessed by federally and state licensed zoo facilities, and those animals may not be possessed as pets. Pasted below is the NH regulation exempting those hybrids from regulation by NH Fish and Game:
Fis 802.03 Exemptions.
(f) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to an owner or person possessing a wolf hybrid as defined in RSA 466-A, or a domesticated show or pet cat registered with a nationally or internationally recognized breeding association or registry which certifies the pedigree and registration of such cat to be without any wild felid parentage for a minimum of three generations.
With regard to Wolf Hybrids, they do not fall under the jurisdiction of this agency. They are regulated as domestic animals, but there are certain restrictions. In addition to this e-mail, I will also forward to you an e-mail I recently received from the USFWS summarizing the wolf hybrid laws in NH and surrounding states.
Lt. Bruce Bonenfant
Administrative Lieutenant
Law Enforcement Division
NH Fish and Game Department
11 Hazen Drive
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-3127
Disclaimer: Please check all local, city, county, township, homeowners’ ordinances in your area first before acquiring any hybrid or exotic animals.